Heavenly Hellebores
This blog tells you how to grow these spring beauties and gives you some idea of the best varieties to grow. Once you have several varieties they will cross-pollinate and you will end up with your very own unique varieties.
Spring Stunners
Magnolias Try to find room in your garden for some of the more blowsy bloomers of the spring. The fantastic blooms of Magnolias are showy yet classy and give an...
How To Grow Wonderful Wallflowers
Wallflowers create a vibrant, highly scented spring display Biennial wallflowers (Erysimum cheiri) are wonderful for a spring display; easy to grow and smell delicious. Although classed as biennials they are...
Grow Viburnum For Winter Scent And Colour
This blog takes you through the positive aspects of growing viburnum for interest in the winter season when there is little else in the garden. it's versatility lends it to filling gaps in the herbaceous border or forming part of a mixed evergreen hedge.
How To Grow Flowering Cherries
Flowering cherries provide a mass of colour in winter and early spring Flowering cherries belong to the genus Prunus of which there are approximately 430 species plus countless hybrids. There...
Very Irresistible Violets
Violets herald the warm days of spring and the promise of summer to come The sight of a bank of dainty little violets in spring is surely a sign that...
How To Sow Brassica (Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli) Seed
Sow Brassicas for a year round supply of nutritious greens Brassicas are a large family of leafy vegetables, all requiring similar seed sowing techniques. They can be sown at various...
How To Grow Ruffled Velvet Camellias
Enjoy the sumptuous blooms of double camellias in your garden this spring Spring is not known for its flamboyance, flowers tend to be small or low growing to keep out...
How To Grow Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
'Arnold Promise' Grow Hamamelis for colour and scent in the winter garden Hamamelis is a captivating shrub which flowers in winter and early spring when there is little else. Colours...
How To Plant Up A Spring Container
Spring containers are easy to plant, cheap and cheerful Planting a spring container can be as cheap or expensive as you wish. The container can be almost anything which will...
How To ‘Chit’ Potatoes
Increase your crop of Early potatoes by 'chitting' ‘Chitting’ means letting the potatoes put out shoots before you plant them in the ground. It is usually only done to First...
How to store your Christmas wreaths and garlands
Extend the life of your wreaths and garlands by storing correctly Storing your wreaths and garlands correctly gives you a few extra years out of them and also makes putting...
How to store Christmas decorations
Colour co-ordinate and individually wrap baubles and they will remain in pristine condition Storing Christmas decorations with a little care can prevent breakages and if colour co-ordinated with a contents...
How to store an artificial Christmas tree
Storing your tree correctly increases the lifespan and makes it easier to erect Anything that makes it easier to put up the Christmas tree must be a good thing, storing...