How To Sow Broccoli For A Crop Over Winter
Broccoli is nutritious and easy to grow over winter We are sowing a mix of purple and white sprouting broccoli in summer to give us a crop in early spring....
How To Take Cuttings From Basil
Take cuttings from basil for fresh leaves over winter Taking cuttings from Basil is one of the easiest gardening tasks. If you take cuttings towards the end of summer you...
How To Dead Head And Prune Roses After They Have Finished Flowering
Regular deadheading and pruning of you roses will enable the plant to keep on producing flowers for as long as possible. This short video shows how easy it is to keep your roses in great shape.
How To Gauge When To Harvest Your Vegetables
It takes time, patience and hard work to grow your own produce so make sure you don't spoil the crop by harvesting too early or too late, just follow our tips for the optimum time to harvest.
How to have your ideal outdoor space
Make another stylish entertaining space from your dingy back garden Nowadays there are lots of ways you can make your outdoor space usable and comfortable, a space where your family...
How to plant a patio climbing rose
Roses are a must in the garden; there's one for every occasion Roses are that quintessential English flower that no cottage garden can be without. Gone are the days when...
Technology versus Natural Environment
Use technology to make the outdoors more fun With the natural environment under pressure like never before, it’s important to strike a balance between the necessity of technology and the...
How do we engage children with the outdoor environment?
Sometimes it can be difficult to prise children away from their devices so this blog gives you some ideas on what you can do to engage kids with the outdoors.
Gardening and nature apps for children
This blog gives you a list of age appropriate apps designed to get your kids outdoors into the countryside without completely giving up their devices.
Rainy day garden and nature activities for children
Don't let the rain stop you getting out and having fun A rain shower need not stop you getting outside for some fresh air, after all jumping into puddles need not...
Winter gardening with kids
It id proven that engaging with nature is hugely beneficial to our well-being and winter is no barrier to getting outdoors. We have pulled together some suggestions you can do with your children outdoors in the winter months.
How to repot houseplants
Happy, healthy houseplants just need the right growing medium Houseplants vary in their requirements for survival so when it comes to potting compost there is no method which fits all;...
Easy plants for kids to grow
This blog gives you a good range of plants chosen to get your kids interested in getting outdoors and growing some of their own fruit, vegetables and flowers. They are all easy to grow and reliable if they receive a little neglect.
World Of Pets
This blog gives you an idea of the great variety of goods on offer in our Pets department. Treat your furry friend with one of our tasty treats.