Colour co-ordinate and individually wrap baubles and they will remain in pristine condition
Storing Christmas decorations with a little care can prevent breakages and if colour co-ordinated with a contents list on the lid you will save masses of time the following year. Wherever you store your decs make sure it is dry and frost free as the damp will cause the paint to peel off the baubles, particularly if they are glass. If you use airtight plastic containers make sure you leave one corner open as if condensation builds up, your baubles will flake.
Shatterproof baubles
These can be simply stored by each individual colour in clear ziplock bags and then the whole lot placed upright in a sturdy plastic container. To avoid them rubbing together and scuffing place them in polystyrene beads or when you shred sensitive documents save the paper for packing.
Glass baubles
Glass is a bit more difficult to store as each piece needs to be stored individually. Egg boxes are great for small pieces but the large baubles need to either be wrapped in bubble wrap, foam wrap, shredded paper or recycled wrapping paper. You can buy dedicated storage bags for baubles or you can improvise and make your own. Cardboard wine boxes from the supermarket can be used; you can usually get 3 baubles in each compartment with a small piece of bubble-wrap between each one. When you buy your Christmas bits and pieces try asking the store if they have any bauble boxes to spare, they are usually happy to get rid of them. Paper cups can be glued to a piece of cardboard cut to fit a sturdy plastic box and a decoration placed in each one, depending upon the depth of the container you may be able to fit in 3 layers of cups.
Irregular shaped decorations
Again these need to be individually wrapped against breakages and the tiny intricate pieces, such as antlers, beaks and thin legs, snapping. Once wrapped hang up in plastic carrier bags where they won’t get knocked.

Lighted acrylic figures
Wrap them up individually and hang up in old pillowcases to avoid them being moved around and potentially damaged.