How To Sow Broad Beans For An Early Spring Crop
Eat fresh vegetables in early spring by sowing in late summer and autumn We are sowing broad bean Aquadulce Claudia in late summer/early autumn as it stands the winter weather...
How To Maintain (Look After) My Fish Tank
Follow these step-by-step instructions for healthy happy fish Regular maintenance of your fish tank will ensure your fish stay healthy and the filter will last longer. It only takes 15...
How To Acclimatise Your New Fish To The Fish Tank
Buying new fish for your aquarium can be a costly business so you want to give them the best chance of survival. This blog helps you acclimatise them to their new environment with minimum stress.
How To Support Tomatoes Planted In A Growbag
Support your growing tomatoes before they grow too large You will need: Growbag cane support canes - 180cm (6’) soft string Place the cane support underneath the growbag and place...
How To Take Care Of A Japanese Maple (Acer) Growing In A Container
Japanese maples are easy if placed in the right position Plant the Acer in a loam based ericaceous compost, which drains well. Place a piece of crock over the hole...
How To Plant Grafted Tomatoes Into A Growbag
Grow grafted tomatoes for an increased yield As well as growing the normal cordon tomatoes in the greenhouse we are trying out the grafted tomatoes, grown in a growbag outside....
How To Plant Marigolds In Amongst The Vegetables As A Companion Plant
Plant marigolds in between the veggies for eco-friendly pest control Marigolds are used as a companion plant in the vegetable garden to lure pests away from the vegetables and also...
How To Plant Cauliflower Plants In A Raised Bed
If you have the space growing cauliflowers is cheaper than buying them You will need: cauliflower plants Growmore well-rotted manure trowel lime Prepare the bed by adding a handful of...
How To Plant Peppers And Chillies In The Greenhouse
Save money and plant easy to grow chilli and pepper plants You will need: chilli and pepper plants, Growmore, trowel, We are growing chilli and pepper plants in a bed...
How To Plant Cucumbers In The Greenhouse
A couple of cucumber plants will supply you with fresh veg all summer You will need: cucumber plants Growmore trowel We are planting our cucumbers directly into a bed but...
How To Support Growing Broad Beans
Support broad beans when they start to grow Now that the broad beans have started to grow they need to be supported, as broad beans are not climbers you would...
How To Put The Cover On An Alexander Rose Cantilever Parasol
Keep your parasol looking better for longer with a cover Although not strictly necessary a cover will greatly prolong the life and looks of your parasol. The cover specifically for the...
How To Put Up And Take Down An Alexander Rose Cantilever Parasol
A cantilever parasol will provide maximum protection from the sun This free-standing parasol can be positioned anywhere to suit you; not being confined to being in the centre of the...
How To Put Up And Adjust A Suncoast Zero Gravity Relaxer
Ease your relaxer into any position with just a flick of a finger This luxury relaxer easily adjusts to almost any position in a smooth movement with just one finger. As...