Grow small trees in a pot

Grow small trees in a pot

Not all of us are blessed with a good sized garden in which to grow a tree so have to grow plants in containers. Read the blog to give you ideas on planting trees in containers and choosing the right specimen.

Grow your own tasty peas and beans

Grow your own tasty peas and beans

Peas and beans are easy to grow and great if you are a beginner or want to get kids into gardening. You don't even need a garden as they can be grown in containers.

Shoulder of lamb with mint sauce grilled on the Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill

Shoulder of lamb with mint sauce grilled on the Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill

For many of us the epitome of spring is a roast leg of lamb and this blog and video show just how easy it is to cook this iconic dish outdoors on the BBQ. Not only is it easy it is incredibly moist and full of flavour.

Why grow a tree? 12 reasons

Why grow a tree? 12 reasons

Trees are crucial in the fight against climate change and many of us are capable of growing one, even in a small space. This blog gives you 12 good reasons to grow your own tree.

Potato and chorizo breakfast hash on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

Potato and chorizo breakfast hash on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

This potato and chorizo hash makes a great brunch when you're working in the garden. Cooked in one pot it couldn't be easier. Cook when you're grilling a low 'n' slow for dinner.

Rhododendron Surrey Heath

Guide to growing spectacular azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias

Rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias burst through in the spring garden with a huge splash of colour and the hope that winter is almost over. Follow these tips and you will be able to achieve success with these plants regardless of the size of your outdoor space.

Plant spring bulbs ‘In The Green’

Plant spring bulbs ‘In The Green’

Some bulbs can be difficult to establish when you plant them as dry bulbs but if you plant them when they are actually growing they will grow away quite happily, so even if they are a little more expensive than dry bulbs they are more cost effective in the long run.

Hayes guide to the best potato varieties

Hayes guide to the best potato varieties

Potatoes grown at home are a taste sensation compared to supermarket produce so if you have a little space, even just a large tub or old compost bag you can still grow potatoes. This blog takes you through the best varieties for your situation.

Plant underneath a mixed native hedge to give you spring colour

Plant underneath a mixed native hedge to give you spring colour

Many of us are embracing a more wildlife friendly approach to gardening and a mixed native hedge is one of the best ways to provide a range of environmental benefits. This blog gives you some idea of what to plant at the base in spring before the hedge breaks into leaf and the hedge bottom becomes too dark.

How to grow primulas

How to grow primulas

Primulas are hardy and provide a huge splash of colour when there is not much else around. They are ideal for containers, hanging baskets and window troughs giving you the colour near the house where it can be fully appreciated.

Prepare for spring by cleaning your greenhouse

Prepare for spring by cleaning your greenhouse

If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse then keeping it in a clean tidy state is absolutely essential for keeping disease and pests at bay. A greenhouse allows you to overwinter precious plants and grow fruit and veg which would otherwise be impossible, especially in the north of the UK.

Fill your garden with the delights of spring

Fill your garden with the delights of spring

Most of us love the arrival of spring and the promise of better weather just around the corner. This blog will give you ideas on how to transform your garden into a springtime wonderland.

Sow tomato seeds in late winter/early spring

Sow tomato seeds in late winter/early spring

This blog and video shows just how easy it is to start your 'grow-your-own' journey. Future blogs take you through how to plant them out in the greenhouse, how to pinch out the side shoots so you get a good crop and how and when to feed and water your plants.

Best trees to give you colour in spring

Best trees to give you colour in spring

Most of us can grow a tree even if it is only in a container in the backyard. They provide a whole range of wildlife benefits and help combat global warming so why not buy one which will light up your spring. This blog gives you a range of trees which will look attractive at the start of the season.

Best shrubs to give you colour in spring

Best shrubs to give you colour in spring

Spring is the time our gardens are beginning to wake from winter and shrubs are a fantastic source of spring colour as well as being easy maintenance. This blog will give you some ideas of what to plant for scent and colour.

Best spring bulbs for a woodland garden

Best spring bulbs for a woodland garden

A woodland garden can be a bit lacklustre for many months of the year but with a bit of planning you can have interest for more of the year. This guide will take you through the bulbs readily available in garden centres.