Guide to sowing sweet pepper and chilli seed

Guide to sowing sweet pepper and chilli seed

Chillies and peppers are cheap and easy to grow, nutritious and versatile There are a huge range of chillies and peppers from the mild, sweet peppers to the mind blowing...

Beef goulash cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

Beef goulash cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

Easily and slowly cook this delicious winter warmer on the barbecue Ingredients: 1kg braising steak 1tbsp rapeseed oil 3 medium onions; cut into chunks 3 garlic cloves; crushed 2tbsp hot...

Lancashire (lamb) hot pot cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

Lancashire (lamb) hot pot cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

If comfort food is more your thing this classic hot pot is fantastic for cooking on the BBQ, just assemble and leave to do it's own thing. For more classic easy BBQ recipes head to our Youtube channel or enrol on one of our in-store BBQ courses, head to the Events page for more details.

Got a problem damp, shady area in your garden?

Got a problem damp, shady area in your garden?

An area of damp shade can be a problem but there are plenty of plants which thrive in these conditions and this blog gives you ideas for planting up your own area.

Now is the time to plant bare root soft fruit, trees and hedging

Now is the time to plant bare root soft fruit, trees and hedging

Anyone who grows their own fruit and veg will want to grow soft fruit and you will also know that they are expensive to buy potted so save money by buying bare root over the winter. Plant in late autumn when the soil is still warm and they will establish a good root system before spring.

Now is the time to start preparing a new herbaceous border

Now is the time to start preparing a new herbaceous border

Achieving an overflowing herbaceous border takes a bit of preparatory work so read this blog to help you grow a stunning selection of herbaceous plants. If you want a classic English garden then an herbaceous border is a must.

Rhododendron Surrey Heath

Guide to growing spectacular azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias

Rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias burst through in the spring garden with a huge splash of colour and the hope that winter is almost over. Follow these tips and you will be able to achieve success with these plants regardless of the size of your outdoor space.

winter pond

Don't neglect your garden pond this winter

Tidy the pond for winter and start spring with a healthy pond and fish Don’t neglect your garden pond or water feature in autumn when you are preparing the garden...

Plant spring bulbs ‘In The Green’

Plant spring bulbs ‘In The Green’

Some bulbs can be difficult to establish when you plant them as dry bulbs but if you plant them when they are actually growing they will grow away quite happily, so even if they are a little more expensive than dry bulbs they are more cost effective in the long run.

Hayes guide to the best potato varieties

Hayes guide to the best potato varieties

Potatoes grown at home are a taste sensation compared to supermarket produce so if you have a little space, even just a large tub or old compost bag you can still grow potatoes. This blog takes you through the best varieties for your situation.

Plant underneath a mixed native hedge to give you spring colour

Plant underneath a mixed native hedge to give you spring colour

Many of us are embracing a more wildlife friendly approach to gardening and a mixed native hedge is one of the best ways to provide a range of environmental benefits. This blog gives you some idea of what to plant at the base in spring before the hedge breaks into leaf and the hedge bottom becomes too dark.

Save money this winter and make your own wild bird food

Save money this winter and make your own wild bird food

Budget friendly wild bird food project to make with kids Once the hedgerows have been depleted of berries in late winter and spring wild birds can struggle to find enough...

How to grow primulas

How to grow primulas

Primulas are hardy and provide a huge splash of colour when there is not much else around. They are ideal for containers, hanging baskets and window troughs giving you the colour near the house where it can be fully appreciated.

Prepare for spring by cleaning your greenhouse

Prepare for spring by cleaning your greenhouse

If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse then keeping it in a clean tidy state is absolutely essential for keeping disease and pests at bay. A greenhouse allows you to overwinter precious plants and grow fruit and veg which would otherwise be impossible, especially in the north of the UK.

The key to a productive garden is healthy soil

The key to a productive garden is healthy soil

All gardeners know that the only way to achieve great results starts with the soil. It stands to reason that if you continually take from the earth it will eventually become depleted and unproductive. Read these tips for improving your own soil.

Best easy garden plants

Best easy garden plants

If you are new to gardening and need a little help as to what plants to start off with this blog comes up with some specimens, easy to grow and maintain, for your new outdoor space.