January/February jobs in the garden
Winter can seem a bit of a dead time in the garden but there is still plenty to be getting on with in readiness of spring. These tips will give you a guide to just a few of the jobs you can be getting on with in January and February.

Grow your own tasty peas and beans
Peas and beans are easy to grow and great if you are a beginner or want to get kids into gardening. You don't even need a garden as they can be grown in containers.

Shoulder of lamb with mint sauce grilled on the Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill
For many of us the epitome of spring is a roast leg of lamb and this blog and video show just how easy it is to cook this iconic dish outdoors on the BBQ. Not only is it easy it is incredibly moist and full of flavour.

Growing rhubarb
Make space in your garden for a crown of healthy, versatile rhubarb Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for thousands of years, but only became popular...

Raised beds are ideal if you lack mobility
If you love a symmetrical tidy garden or have mobility issues then raised beds are definitely the way forward. This blog will take you through the pros and cons of constructing raised beds.

Why grow a tree? 12 reasons
Trees are crucial in the fight against climate change and many of us are capable of growing one, even in a small space. This blog gives you 12 good reasons to grow your own tree.

Considering container gardening?
Nearly anything can be grown in containers but there are several rules which have to be observed if you want your container garden to look it's best and for the plants to last as long as possible.

Improve your soil fertility without using chemicals
As more and more of us are gardening in an environmentally fashion we are turning our backs on using fertiliser. This blog gives you some tips on how to have the very best soil health without the cost or pollution of chemicals.

Slow diced lamb, Italian style, cooked on the Weber Genesis II E-310 gas BBQ
No skill required to cook this delicious super easy BBQ lamb dish This must be one of the easiest recipes to cook on the BBQ, all you do is throw...

Guide to growing aubergines (eggplant)
Aubergines are a Mediterranean plant and as such need a long hot growing season so sow the seed as early as possible and grow in a greenhouse or sheltered suntrap. Follow these tips and you can have a crop of these delicious versatile vegetables.

Potato and chorizo breakfast hash on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill
This potato and chorizo hash makes a great brunch when you're working in the garden. Cooked in one pot it couldn't be easier. Cook when you're grilling a low 'n' slow for dinner.

Mediterranean vegetable stew cooked on the Kadai Indian fire bowl
This blog takes you through the steps to create this Mediterranean vegetable stew on the Kadai firebowl, but it can just as easily be cooked on any BBQ with a lid. Serve on it's own with a chunk of artisan bread or as a side to a meat dish.

Beef stew cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill
Slow cook a winter warming stew on the BBQ for a no-fuss dinner This is the ultimate easy dinner dish you can cook on the BBQ, just put everything in...

Create another room In your garden
One of the advantages of having outdoor space is sitting with family and friends and enjoying good weather, however the seating does need to be in the right spot. This blog helps you decide where to place your garden furniture and how many seats you will need.