How to Get Rid of Scale Insects

How to Get Rid of Scale Insects

The first sign of scale insect infestation is usually the appearance of sooty fungus so you have two different types of problem to tackle, fungal and insect. This blog helps you get rid of both these debilitating problems.

How To Get Rid Of Aphids

How To Get Rid Of Aphids

Aphids are the bane of every gardener's life, seriously weakening plants, so here are several methods you can use to rid yourself of these common garden pests.

How To Grow Trees In Containers

How To Grow Trees In Containers

No garden to grow a tree? No problem, just grown in a large container Here at Hayes Garden World we are often asked if you can grow trees in containers....

How To Protect Your Children From Unsuitable Social Media

How To Protect Your Children From Unsuitable Social Media

How are Your Kids with Social Media? Social media is constantly on the rise. More and more people around the world are getting involved with it on at least some...

How To Grow Potatoes In Containers

How To Grow Potatoes In Containers

Having no garden doesn't mean you can't have delicious new potatoes Whilst there are plenty of people with the space to grow potatoes in their garden there are many whose...

Best Easy To Grow Spring Flowering Shrubs

Best Easy To Grow Spring Flowering Shrubs

This blog will give you some ideas on which shrubs will give your spring garden a burst of colour and which are easy to maintain. Once planted you can leave them to do their own thing, if they become too unruly they can simply be cut back.

pale blue hyacinth

Best Indoor Plants For Christmas Colour & Scent

There's nothing like a blast of colour and glorious scent in the darkest months of the year and this blog will give you some idea of the many plants available in garden centres over Christmas for growing indoors.

How To Grow Berberis

How To Grow Berberis

Berberis makes an excellent plant to use as a security hedge due to it's thorns so read the blog and keep yours in the best condition.

Outdoor Living

Outdoor Living

At Hayes Garden World we have always been proud of the extensive range of garden furniture and accessories we have to offer but with our shop floor development we have...

World Of Interiors

World Of Interiors

Our Gift department has lots of gorgeous items to make your home your perfect sanctuary space. We have all the latest designs sourced from across Europe in the seasons hot colours.

How To Grow Fragrant Wallflowers

How To Grow Fragrant Wallflowers

Fill the garden with scent this spring with this old fashioned favourite Named because of their habit of growing out of old walls, rocks & quarries, wallflowers provide an early...

How To Grow Handsome Heucheras

How To Grow Handsome Heucheras

Fill your garden with a dazzling display of year round leaf colour If you are on the lookout for a compact plant that will give you year round interest through...

Companion Planting

Companion Planting

This blog gives you tips on how to reduce your pesticide use in the garden by planting to entice the insects away from your precious veg and fruit.

Zesty Treats

Zesty Treats

Wish you could capture you Mediterranean holiday feeling? Growing citrus fruits and using them in your cooking and cocktails keeps the sun in your life for longer.

How To Grow Garlic

How To Grow Garlic

Grow your own garlic with this easy to follow guide Garlic is not hard to grow in the UK; however it is advisable to plant from stock that will grow...

How To Create Colourful Containers

How To Create Colourful Containers

If you just have a backyard and no growing space then creating the right atmosphere has to depend upon growing plants in containers. Containers allow you to give the plant exactly what it needs. If you have an alkaline soil and love rhododendrons and azaleas then growing in containers is the answer. Here we give you some tips for keeping your containers in tiptop condition.