How To Cook Italian Style Burgers On The Weber 57cm MasterTouch BBQ
Spice up an ordinary burger with a few Italian seasonings, cheese and herbs. Check out our other videos for Moroccan, venison, salmon and breakfast burgers. If you want more easy BBQ recipes head to our Youtube channel for step-by-step instructions. We cook on Weber and Traeger grills but the recipes can be cooked on any BBQ with a lid.

How To Grill On The BBQ Using A Plank
Barbecuing delicate fish on a plank will give it an extra level of flavour and ensure it doesn't fall to pieces. This traditional method of cooking is simply explained in this blog so you can do it easily at home.

How To Cook Sunday Lunch (Roast Loin Of Pork With Roast Vegetables And Cauliflower Cheese) In The Alfa Wood Fired Oven.
A pizza oven is not just for pizza, watch the video and read to blog for a step-by-step guide on how to cook the Sunday lunch in a pizza oven. We regularly hold demos in store at the weekends; keep an eye on our Facebook page for details.

How To Cook Chicken Wings With Three Little Pigs BBQ Rub And Blues Hog Honey Mustard Barbecue Sauce
Add taste and stickiness to your meat by using dry rubs and sauces This video featuring top BBQ chef Richard Holden and Ian Hodgett from The Barbecue Shop here in store...

How To Cook Griddled Mackerel Fillets With Soy Sauce, Lime, Chilli And Ginger Dressing On The BBQ
Start to eat healthily with the help of your BBQ, all you need for this delicious easy mackerel dish is a griddle which you can also utilise for cooking crepes, prawns or the full English breakfast. Enrol on one of our BBQ courses to expand your grilling knowledge; keep an eye on the Events page for more details.

How To Cook King Prawns With Chilli, Lime And Garlic Marinade In A Vegetable Basket On The Weber Master Touch Charcoal BBQ.
This king prawn recipe is super quick and easy and can serve as a starter or light lunch when you're out in the garden and cooking a 'low 'n' slow' for dinner. Just add some salad, a dip and crusty artisan bread.

How To Cook Hot Smoked Salmon With Pesto On The Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill
Embrace healthy eating by grilling salmon with pesto on your BBQ. We used a Traeger but it can be grilled on any BBQ with a lid. Learn more dishes you can cook on your BBQ by taking one of our courses here in store. Check out the Events page for details.

How To Cook Fabulous Fresh Fish On The BBQ
The BBQ is not just for cooking meat, it can also cook incredibly healthy dishes with a hint of smoke to give an added layer of flavour. Invest in a fish basket or griddle and you can cook delicate fillets. Enhance your recipe repertoire by enrolling on one of our BBQ classes held in the store; keep an eye on the Events page for the next class.

How To Cook An Easy Stir Fry In The Weber Gourmet BBQ System Wok
If you have a Weber BBQ with the GBS it opens up a whole new world of recipes. We have used the wok accessory to rustle up a simple stir fry which can be a stand alone dish or a side to accompany a piece of char sui pork loin.

How To Cook Simple Parma Ham Wraps On A Weber BBQ
These parma ham wraps make a delicious starter and are so simple, just prepare in advance then pop onto the BBQ when required. If you are a novice barbecuer and want to increase your stock of recipes then enrol on one pf our courses here in store. Led by top BBQ chefs trained by Weber and Traeger we have a course to suit every taste; details on the Events page.

How To Cook Persian-Style Chicken Kebabs On A Weber BBQ
Kebabs are one of the BBQ classics and these cooked on the rotisserie are one step up, the rotisserie allows the juices to run back into the meat instead of dripping into the bottom of the grill, so they end up juicy and full of flavour.

How To Cook Lemon And Thyme Chicken On A Weber BBQ
Lemon and thyme chicken is such an easy dish, full of flavour and so easy to cook on any BBQ with a lid. To ensure your chicken is grilled to perfection we strongly suggest you invest in a digital temperature probe then you can be absolutely certain that it is cooked to a safe temperature.

How To Cook French Toasted Bagels With Summer Fruits On A Weber BBQ
BBQs are not just for burgers and bangers, you can also do a delicious dessert or snack. These bagels with summer fruits are really easy and just the start for your journey into the full range of dishes possible on your grill. All you need for this dish is a griddle which can also be used to cook breakfast, crepes or delicate pieces of fish and seafood.

How To Cook American-Style Pancakes On A Weber BBQ
American style pancakes are easy rustled up on the BBQ if you have a griddle and can be sweet for dessert or as a savoury brunch, think bacon and maple syrup. This video gives you a step-by-step guide to cooking these delicious treats on the Weber Q3200 but they can just as easily be cooked on any grill.

How To Cook A Pizza In The Alfa Pizza Oven
Many of us now have more than one outdoor grill and the pizza oven usually figures in our outdoor dining as well as the traditional barbecue. This blog and video shows how easy it is to achieve the perfect pizza.

How To Cook Waffles With Blueberries, Maple Syrup, Bananas And Nutella In The Weber Gourmet Barbecue System Waffle Iron
A BBQ is not just for chunks of meat, it can also produce some delicious desserts and these waffles with blueberries and maple syrup are absolutely delicious, just serve with a dollop of ice cream. If you have the Weber grill with the GBS capability the waffle/sandwich maker accessory is an absolute must.