Grow your own tasty peas and beans
Peas and beans are easy to grow and great if you are a beginner or want to get kids into gardening. You don't even need a garden as they can be grown in containers.

Shoulder of lamb with mint sauce grilled on the Traeger Wood Pellet Pro 22 Grill
For many of us the epitome of spring is a roast leg of lamb and this blog and video show just how easy it is to cook this iconic dish outdoors on the BBQ. Not only is it easy it is incredibly moist and full of flavour.

Guide to growing aubergines (eggplant)
Aubergines are a Mediterranean plant and as such need a long hot growing season so sow the seed as early as possible and grow in a greenhouse or sheltered suntrap. Follow these tips and you can have a crop of these delicious versatile vegetables.

Potato and chorizo breakfast hash on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill
This potato and chorizo hash makes a great brunch when you're working in the garden. Cooked in one pot it couldn't be easier. Cook when you're grilling a low 'n' slow for dinner.

Mediterranean vegetable stew cooked on the Kadai Indian fire bowl
This blog takes you through the steps to create this Mediterranean vegetable stew on the Kadai firebowl, but it can just as easily be cooked on any BBQ with a lid. Serve on it's own with a chunk of artisan bread or as a side to a meat dish.

Create another room In your garden
One of the advantages of having outdoor space is sitting with family and friends and enjoying good weather, however the seating does need to be in the right spot. This blog helps you decide where to place your garden furniture and how many seats you will need.

Got a problem damp, shady area in your garden?
An area of damp shade can be a problem but there are plenty of plants which thrive in these conditions and this blog gives you ideas for planting up your own area.

Now is the time to start preparing a new herbaceous border
Achieving an overflowing herbaceous border takes a bit of preparatory work so read this blog to help you grow a stunning selection of herbaceous plants. If you want a classic English garden then an herbaceous border is a must.

August tasks in the garden
August in the garden is the time to sit back and reflect on all your hard work; BBQ, entertain family and friends, pick all your lovely produce and just enjoy the outdoors. There are a few tasks to complete but they are mainly just tending and keeping on top of weeds.

Best David Austin Roses For Growing In Containers
David Austin roses are universally loved and flourish in most gardens but don't let the fact that you don't have a garden stop you from growing them. Just choose a large enough container and pot into good quality peat-free compost. Place next to your seat to fully appreciate their glorious scent.

Care for your roses in summer
Roses are the nations favourite flower and an absolute essential if you are creating a traditional English garden. This blog gives you some tips on how to make them last as long as possible over the growing season.

How To Keep Your Summer Bedding Plants Looking Good Until Autumn
One of the stars of the summer are hanging baskets and containers packed with a riot of summer bedding so it makes sense to keep them looking great for as long as possible. Follow these easy tips and you can have them lasting into autumn.

Grilling ‘Beer Can’ Chicken On The Traeger Timberline 850 Wood Pellet Grill
Beer can chicken is one of the classic BBQ recipes and this video takes you through the steps to producing this incredibly juicy chicken. Even if you don't have a BBQ it can easily be cooked in the oven. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for news of the next free weekend BBQ demo.

How to cook tropical fruit sundae on the Weber Master-Touch BBQ
Desserts cooked on the BBQ are incredibly easy and are the perfect way to finish off a BBQ. This tropical sundae has been concocted using pineapple but you could just as easy use mango, peaches or banana.