Using the different heat zones on the BBQ

Using the different heat zones on the BBQ

The key to cooking great dishes on the BBQ is to learn how to utilise the different heat zones on the BBQ. If you want more info and how to cook some dishes on the zones just enrol on our Basics BBQ course held in store and you'll quickly be able to expand your recipe range.

Grow small trees in a pot

Grow small trees in a pot

Not all of us are blessed with a good sized garden in which to grow a tree so have to grow plants in containers. Read the blog to give you ideas on planting trees in containers and choosing the right specimen.

Why grow a tree? 12 reasons

Why grow a tree? 12 reasons

Trees are crucial in the fight against climate change and many of us are capable of growing one, even in a small space. This blog gives you 12 good reasons to grow your own tree.

Potato and chorizo breakfast hash on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

Potato and chorizo breakfast hash on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

This potato and chorizo hash makes a great brunch when you're working in the garden. Cooked in one pot it couldn't be easier. Cook when you're grilling a low 'n' slow for dinner.

Now is the time to plant bare root soft fruit, trees and hedging

Now is the time to plant bare root soft fruit, trees and hedging

Anyone who grows their own fruit and veg will want to grow soft fruit and you will also know that they are expensive to buy potted so save money by buying bare root over the winter. Plant in late autumn when the soil is still warm and they will establish a good root system before spring.

How to grow primulas

How to grow primulas

Primulas are hardy and provide a huge splash of colour when there is not much else around. They are ideal for containers, hanging baskets and window troughs giving you the colour near the house where it can be fully appreciated.

Forage for Free Food in Autumn

Forage for Free Food in Autumn

Autumn is a fantastic time for bulking out your recipes with free food and this blog takes you through which plants are available. Not only does it help stretch the budget but is also great exercise. Only eat food when you are 100% certain you know what it is.

Why Do Leaves Turn Colour In Autumn?

Why Do Leaves Turn Colour In Autumn?

Autumn can be a spectacular time of year but why do the trees turn colour at this time of year, this blog explains the simple science behind this phenomenon.

How To Utilise A Glut Of Tomatoes

How To Utilise A Glut Of Tomatoes

Home grown tomatoes are a world away from supermarket produce and well worth finding space in the greenhouse or against a hot south facing wall but sometimes you find yourself with far more than you can eat fresh. Here we give you a few recipes for making the most of these fruits so you can enjoy them throughout the winter. 

How To Utilise A Glut Of Apples

How To Utilise A Glut Of Apples

Even a single apple tree can yield far more fruit than you can eat so we have put together some suggestions for making these delicious fruits last over winter. Not all apples are suitable for storing but there are still plenty of other ways of preserving them.

How To Grow Bountiful Blackberries

How To Grow Bountiful Blackberries

Blackberries are packed full of nutrients, taste delicious and best of all can be had for free. Not only do you get delicious food you also get some exercise from a walk in the countryside. If you do have space in your veggie plot there are some good varieties giving you huge plump juicy berries. Just add a cooking apple tree and you have the recipe for tasty crumble. 

How To Preserve Apples

How To Preserve Apples

If you have the space in your garden why not grow an apple tree, just one tree will yield plenty of delicious pesticide free fruit over the winter. Family trees have more than one variety on the same tree so you don't need a pollinator. If your apples won't store over the winter you can still juice, freeze, puree or dry to keep you fed over the winter 

How to keep your plants alive when you go on holiday

How to keep your plants alive when you go on holiday

Going on holiday when you have a garden full of beautiful flowers, veggies and containers relying on being watered every day for their survival, can be fraught and spoil your break. If you have fantastic neighbours your prayers are answered but if you don't there are a few tips to ensure you come home to to a thriving garden. 

October gardening tasks

October gardening tasks

Here is a quick rundown on what tasks need doing in the garden in October as you prepare for autumn and winter. Just use it as a checklist to ensure you don't forget any of the mountain of tasks that have to be done in autumn.

What Seeds Should I Be Sowing In Autumn?

What Seeds Should I Be Sowing In Autumn?

Just because autumn is here it doesn't mean that everything in the garden stops, this blog gives you some ideas of what seeds to sow at the end of summer.

September tasks in the garden

September tasks in the garden

This blog gives you a checklist of the jobs for September to get you through autumn with your garden looking still full of flower. September is the time when you start preparing to get the garden winter ready.