How To Clean The Mould Off Natural Rattan And Cane Conservatory Furniture

How To Clean The Mould Off Natural Rattan And Cane Conservatory Furniture

Clean mould off your natural rattan and cane furniture with bleach

Preventing moulds and mildew from growing, by siting your natural rattan and cane conservatory furniture in a warm, dry, well ventilated position, is better than trying to clean it afterwards. But moulds can be washed off with a bleach solution.

  • Scrub the mould with a soft scrubbing brush or toothbrush and a 50/50 bleach to water solution.
  • Take a soft cloth and rub down the rest of the furniture to get rid of that smell and to prevent any spores from growing further.  
  • Wipe down with clean water.
  • Pat dry with kitchen paper; absorbing as much moisture as possible.
  • Leave to dry for several days before use, as using the furniture whilst it is still damp could cause it to stretch.


Profile Image Angela Slater

Angela Slater

Daughter of a farmer and market gardener so have always had a connection with the outdoors, whether it was keeping animals or producing fruit, vegetables and cut flowers. Along with my work at Hayes Garden World I also have a smallholding, mainly breeding rare breed pigs. I gained an HND and BSc in Conservation and Environmental Land Management, as a result I am an ardent environmentalist and have a keen interest in environmentally friendly gardening. In my time at Hayes I worked for several years in the Outdoor Plant and Houseplant areas.