January/February jobs in the garden

January/February jobs in the garden

Winter can seem a bit of a dead time in the garden but there is still plenty to be getting on with in readiness of spring. These tips will give you a guide to just a few of the jobs you can be getting on with in January and February.

Lancashire (lamb) hot pot cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

Lancashire (lamb) hot pot cooked on the Traeger Timberline 850 wood pellet grill

If comfort food is more your thing this classic hot pot is fantastic for cooking on the BBQ, just assemble and leave to do it's own thing. For more classic easy BBQ recipes head to our Youtube channel or enrol on one of our in-store BBQ courses, head to the Events page for more details.

Now is the time to plant bare root soft fruit, trees and hedging

Now is the time to plant bare root soft fruit, trees and hedging

Anyone who grows their own fruit and veg will want to grow soft fruit and you will also know that they are expensive to buy potted so save money by buying bare root over the winter. Plant in late autumn when the soil is still warm and they will establish a good root system before spring.

How to grow primulas

How to grow primulas

Primulas are hardy and provide a huge splash of colour when there is not much else around. They are ideal for containers, hanging baskets and window troughs giving you the colour near the house where it can be fully appreciated.

Create Interest In The Winter Garden

Create Interest In The Winter Garden

If there isn't much of interest in your winter garden then this blog can give you a few pointers about what can be achieved to enhance your outdoor space over the winter months.

Cook Roast Potatoes On The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill

Cook Roast Potatoes On The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill

Free up space in your oven this Christmas by utilising your BBQ, place near the back door and you can cook any element, or all, of the Christmas dinner. Start by producing crisp roast potatoes with a fluffy inside. Enrol in our Taste of Christmas BBQ course to get some tips to upgrade your recipes.

Grilling ‘Beer Can’ Chicken On The Traeger Timberline 850 Wood Pellet Grill

Grilling ‘Beer Can’ Chicken On The Traeger Timberline 850 Wood Pellet Grill

Beer can chicken is one of the classic BBQ recipes and this video takes you through the steps to producing this incredibly juicy chicken. Even if you don't have a BBQ it can easily be cooked in the oven. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for news of the next free weekend BBQ demo.

Brussels sprouts with bacon

Cook Brussels Sprouts With Bacon On The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill

Brussels sprouts are the Marmite of the Christmas dinner table often resembling little green cannon balls, but they can be absolutely delicious converting even the biggest hater. Just slice into threads and cook with bacon and flavour with all that tasty bacon fat.

Why choose a Bosk artificial Christmas tree

Why choose a Bosk artificial Christmas tree

Bosk artificial Christmas trees are the same high standard you have come to expect from Hayes trees. Available through the website for home delivery or direct in store.

Top 10 Bosk artificial Christmas trees

Top 10 Bosk artificial Christmas trees

This blog gives you a glimpse of the Bosk customer favourite artificial Christmas trees. All trees are available through our website or in store at Ambleside. The majority of the trees, but not all, are on display on the shop floor, some decorated to give you inspiration.

Tips For Creating Your Own Wreath

Tips For Creating Your Own Wreath

Christmas wreaths can be incredibly expensive but they are easily created at home. Either make it out of bought materials or just go for a walk in the countryside or around your garden and you will be able to find enough material to create your own stunning wreath.

Tips For Cooking The Christmas Turkey On The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill

Tips For Cooking The Christmas Turkey On The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill

Cooking the Christmas turkey on the Traeger wood pellet grill is absolutely fool proof especially if you have a model with the integrated temperature probes, it alerts you when the bird is cooked. All you have to do is put the turkey on the grill then take it off at the end, easy peasy!

Tips For Decorating A Small Christmas Tree

Tips For Decorating A Small Christmas Tree

Only got space for a small Christmas tree? This blog tells you how to achieve a mighty effect in a small space. Big doesn't have to be the only beautiful artificial Christmas tree, small can be just as 'wow'.

Tips for decorating a small space at Christmas

Tips for decorating a small space at Christmas

If you don't have the space for a Christmas tree it doesn't men that you have to forego the Christmas decorations. Think walls, picture rails, mantlepieces, shelves, dining table, sideboard or that little gap behind the sofa.

Cook Christmas Sprouts On The Barbecue

Cook Christmas Sprouts On The Barbecue

Brussels sprouts at Christmas, love them or hate them, they can be enlivened from boiled bullets to something a bit more delicious with the addition of some garlic and spices. Enrol for our Taste of Christmas BBQ course here in store for recipes and tips on how to cook the Christmas dinner on your grill.

Christmas ham cooked on the BBQ

How To Cook A Christmas Ham On The Barbecue

Most of us have a roasted ham over the Christmas period and this recipe elevates it from the ordinary to the sublime. Utilise your BBQ as an extra oven when your kitchen oven is filled to the max.