Best David Austin Roses For A Small Garden
This blog picks some of the best David Austin roses to give you great value for money in your small space garden; scent, compact growth and repeat flowering. They give you fantastic value for money, lasting for many years with very little maintenance.

Time to plant a hedge
Hedges are extremely beneficial for wildlife and can act as a windbreak in your garden so if you are considering uprooting that old fence and planting a hedge this blog will give you some tips on how to do this.

Now is the time to start preparing a new herbaceous border
Achieving an overflowing herbaceous border takes a bit of preparatory work so read this blog to help you grow a stunning selection of herbaceous plants. If you want a classic English garden then an herbaceous border is a must.

Best easy garden plants
If you are new to gardening and need a little help as to what plants to start off with this blog comes up with some specimens, easy to grow and maintain, for your new outdoor space.

Best David Austin Roses For Growing In Containers
David Austin roses are universally loved and flourish in most gardens but don't let the fact that you don't have a garden stop you from growing them. Just choose a large enough container and pot into good quality peat-free compost. Place next to your seat to fully appreciate their glorious scent.

Care for your roses in summer
Roses are the nations favourite flower and an absolute essential if you are creating a traditional English garden. This blog gives you some tips on how to make them last as long as possible over the growing season.

Grow Stunning Shrub Roses
The rose is the UKs most popular flower, and with good reason, it looks gorgeous, smells delicious and is happy in a great variety of conditions. What's more there are more sizes than any other shrub, from small miniatures to huge ramblers and in the middle are these beautiful shrub roses.

Best David Austin Roses For Covering A Fence
This blog gives you a selection of David Austin roses which do a fantastic job of covering an unsightly fence or wall. They add height and scent to your garden so are well worth the investment.

Best Tips For Buying Garden Plants
This blog explains how to go about buying your garden plants to achieve your perfect garden space rather than having no plan and ending up being unhappy with your choices.

Best Plants To Grow For Cut Flowers
What could shout summer more than a house full of vases of cut flowers and this blog gives you the lowdown on the best varieties for a summer full of colour indoors. Whether you have a large garden or just a backyard you can still grow flowers for cutting.

How To Deal With Black Spot On Your Roses
Black spot can disfigure and severely weaken your roses so needs tackling as soon as you spot the signs. Some roses are more resistant than others but given warm wet weather most are susceptible.

How To Cover An Arch Or Pergola With Scented Climbers
Adding an arch or a pergola to your garden adds instant interest and provides extra space for growing climbers. Use scented climbers if you want a traditional cottage garden buzzing with insect life.

How to deal with powdery mildew on your plants
Powdery mildew can severely weaken plants and make them look unsightly so needs attention as soon as it appears. Make sure your plants are always well watered as dryness is one of the causes.

Get the RHS Chelsea look
This blog from David Austin helps you recreate the Chelsea 2024 look in your own garden using a selection of their finest roses.

How to care for roses in April
Give your roses a little bit of care in April and they will bloom beautifully for the rest of the season. Even if you only have a small backyard you can still grow roses in a large container, they just need a little bit of extra care.

Best plant to enhance your outdoor living space
Your outdoor space is your special place which can serve a number of functions, a quiet place to escape the stresses of everyday life for a few hours, a spot where you can grow some vegetables or a party space where you can have the BBQ and cook for family and friends.