Tips for keeping deer and rabbits out of your garden
An invasion of rabbits or even just one deer can decimate your garden in just one night so if you garden in a rural area it pays to be one step ahead. This blog gives you some ideas on how to deter these mammals.

Using garden plants to deter midges and mosquitos
Midges and mosquitos can ruin a summer BBQ, but there are a few things you can do to deter the little blighters. Many of the solutions, such as planting herbs also benefit your cooking, just add to the grill to infuse your food with the aromatics.

How To Stop Cabbage White Caterpillars Eating Your Brassicas (Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Kale, Brussels Sprouts)
Protecting leafy brassicas from cabbage white butterflies is absolutely essential if you don't want your crop destroyed. We simply used netting, some twigs and stones but you can also use mesh tunnels.

How To Grow Gooseberries
Supermarket gooseberries are fairly expensive so why not grow your own. They are quite happy in a container, just keep them damp. Most importantly protect from the dreaded sawfly which will completely decimate your plant.

How To Diagnose What's Wrong With Your Tomatoes
There is nothing quite like the taste of home grown tomatoes but there are problems which can occur and ruin your crop. This blog gives you some ideas of how to solve these problems and salvage your crop.

Keep ducks to help manage garden pests
More and more of us gardeners are looking for ways to reduce our chemical usage and ducks are a great alternative to slug pellets. Added advantages are delicious eggs for baking and their entertainment value.

How to deal with sooty fungus
Sooty fungus on your plants is a combination of insects and a fungal infection, so both need attention. This blog gives you some tips on how to get rid of this unsightly condition.

How to control vine weevil
Vine weevil is every gardeners worst nightmare and we often don't know about them until it is too late. This blog gives you tips on how to spot the signs and how to dispatch them once you have identified the pests.

How to get rid of aphids (greenfly and blackfly)
Follow our tips for getting rid of greenfly and blackfly, the bane of every gardener's life. We have also given you some tips on the best means of prevention.

How To Deal With An Invasion Of Slugs And Snails In The Garden
Slugs and snails are the bane of every gardeners life and this blog gives you some methods of deterring them without resorting to chemical means.