How to keep your plants alive when you go on holiday

How to keep your plants alive when you go on holiday

Going on holiday when you have a garden full of beautiful flowers, veggies and containers relying on being watered every day for their survival, can be fraught and spoil your break. If you have fantastic neighbours your prayers are answered but if you don't there are a few tips to ensure you come home to to a thriving garden. 

Best houseplants for beginners

Best houseplants for beginners

This blog gives you some idea of the easiest houseplants to start with if you are just a beginner. Easy to grow, they will bring the outdoors in and soften shady corners and sunny windowsills.

How To Create An Indoor Planted Arrangement

How To Create An Indoor Planted Arrangement

Not all of us have an outdoor area so enhancing our indoor space is just as important as having a beautiful outdoor space. Filling your home with houseplants is a great way to engage with nature all year round.

burgundy amaryllis

How To Bring Colour Into The Home With A Bowl Of Spring Bulbs

This blog gives you some ideas of how to bring the delights of the spring garden into your home with a pot of bulbs. Several varieties of these delightful bulbs are heavily scented and will fill your home with their delicious aroma.

How To Feed, Water And Re-Pot Cacti And Succulents

How To Feed, Water And Re-Pot Cacti And Succulents

Cacti and succulents are the easiest group of houseplants to grow and ideal for beginners and children as they don't mind a bit of neglect. Follow our tips for keeping your plants in the best condition.

How To Get Your Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) To Re-Flower

How To Get Your Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) To Re-Flower

Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) are one of the most popular houseplants whose flowers can last for months but can be tricky to get to re-flower. This blog sets out the steps which will ensure that your orchid does flower again.

How To Feed And Water A Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid)

How To Feed And Water A Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid)

Moth orchids are incredible value for money as the flowers can last for months with a little bit of care. Follow our watering guide and it will keep your orchid in top condition.

How To Grow Aloe Vera

How To Grow Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the one plant no kitchen should be without as it is soothing salve for burns, just cut the tip off a leaf. It is an easy plant to grow and doesn't mind a bit of neglect.

How To Care For A Cymbidium

How To Care For A Cymbidium

Cymbidiums are beautiful showy orchids which flower for a number of months but can be tricky to get to re-flower the following year. This blog gives you tips on how to take care of these plants and get them to re-flower.

How To Get Houseplants To Flower Again

How To Get Houseplants To Flower Again

Most of us buy a houseplant in full flower and then struggle to ever get it to flower again so we have given you some tips on how to have the best chance of it flowering again.

How Do I Care For My Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid)?

How Do I Care For My Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid)?

This blog gives you tips on how to care for your Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) and have it lasting in flower for months. It also tells you how to get the orchid to re-flower after the flower spikes have gone over.

Why Are My Leaves Going Yellow?

Why Are My Leaves Going Yellow?

We all have a problem with our houseplants from time to time and this blog explains how to solve the problem of yellowing leaves.

Why Are My Leaves Dropping Off?

Why Are My Leaves Dropping Off?

Leaves dropping off plants is a natural occurrence but sometimes there is an underlying problem and this blog goes through some of the most common causes of leaf drop.