What to do in the garden in March

What to do in the garden in March

Finally after a long winter March arrives and with it the promise of spring. The garden has started to bloom, the days are longer and the temperatures are climbing so it's time to get into the garden and start sowing seed preparing the veg beds and filling gaps in the borders.

Dahlia growing guide

Dahlia growing guide

Dahlias can be huge showstoppers or dainty pompoms, whichever you opt for they are sure to bring a splash of intense colour to your borders. They are great value for money when grown for cut flowers, flowering from mid summer to well into autumn. Deadheading is essential for continuous flowers. Make sure they are well fed and watered.  

What Do I Do When My Spring Bulbs Have Finished Flowering?

What Do I Do When My Spring Bulbs Have Finished Flowering?

Having a fabulous show of spring bulbs involves a little work the previous spring and summer so follow our tips to make sure your spring bulbs put on a fabulous show.

How to grow summer flowering bulbs

How to grow summer flowering bulbs

Summer flowering bulbs, tubers and corms are available in garden centres in late winter and spring. They can be grown in containers, fill gaps in the border or provide cut flowers well into autumn.

Best David Austin Roses For A Small Garden

Best David Austin Roses For A Small Garden

This blog picks some of the best David Austin roses to give you great value for money in your small space garden; scent, compact growth and repeat flowering. They give you fantastic value for money, lasting for many years with very little maintenance.

Guide to having a low maintenance garden

Guide to having a low maintenance garden

A low maintenance garden is a must if you have mobility issues or just don't have the time to do a lot of gardening. It is also essential if you want to spend more time enjoying your outdoor space with family and friends.

Got a problem damp, shady area in your garden?

Got a problem damp, shady area in your garden?

An area of damp shade can be a problem but there are plenty of plants which thrive in these conditions and this blog gives you ideas for planting up your own area.

Now is the time to start preparing a new herbaceous border

Now is the time to start preparing a new herbaceous border

Achieving an overflowing herbaceous border takes a bit of preparatory work so read this blog to help you grow a stunning selection of herbaceous plants. If you want a classic English garden then an herbaceous border is a must.

Rhododendron Surrey Heath

Guide to growing spectacular azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias

Rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias burst through in the spring garden with a huge splash of colour and the hope that winter is almost over. Follow these tips and you will be able to achieve success with these plants regardless of the size of your outdoor space.

How to grow primulas

How to grow primulas

Primulas are hardy and provide a huge splash of colour when there is not much else around. They are ideal for containers, hanging baskets and window troughs giving you the colour near the house where it can be fully appreciated.

Fill your garden with the delights of spring

Fill your garden with the delights of spring

Most of us love the arrival of spring and the promise of better weather just around the corner. This blog will give you ideas on how to transform your garden into a springtime wonderland.

Best easy garden plants

Best easy garden plants

If you are new to gardening and need a little help as to what plants to start off with this blog comes up with some specimens, easy to grow and maintain, for your new outdoor space.

Tips for keeping deer and rabbits out of your garden

Tips for keeping deer and rabbits out of your garden

An invasion of rabbits or even just one deer can decimate your garden in just one night so if you garden in a rural area it pays to be one step ahead. This blog gives you some ideas on how to deter these mammals.

Best shrubs to give you colour in spring

Best shrubs to give you colour in spring

Spring is the time our gardens are beginning to wake from winter and shrubs are a fantastic source of spring colour as well as being easy maintenance. This blog will give you some ideas of what to plant for scent and colour.

Best spring bulbs for a woodland garden

Best spring bulbs for a woodland garden

A woodland garden can be a bit lacklustre for many months of the year but with a bit of planning you can have interest for more of the year. This guide will take you through the bulbs readily available in garden centres.

Planting daffodil bulbs

Planting daffodil bulbs

Daffodils are a joyous introduction to spring and one of the most popular flowers, both in the garden and growing wild. This blog will give you some idea of what has gone wrong when they don't flower well.